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“His endearing videos are part history lesson, part nerdy tech outlet, part philosophical soapbox” – PITCHFORK

“Consumed since childhood by radio frequencies and sine tones, his releases as Hainbach typically consist of shifting audio landscapes based on the creative limitations of discarded gear taken from electronic landfill sites” – EVERAND

Based out of Berlin, Germany, electro-acoustic composer Hainbach (Stefan Paul Goetsch) creates experimental music that is both visceral and whimsical. Using esoteric synthesizers, test equipment and magnetic tape he creates “one hell of a trip” in his live sets and recorded music.

He shares techniques on experimental music on his YouTube channel, which has attracted an ever growing audience of more than 190000 subscribers and almost 20 Million views, with several videos going viral.

His body of work includes film soundtracks, pop productions, chamber music, theater music, sound art installations and music software.

In his latest creation, “Voice Magnetic,” released on April 25, 2023, we are transported into a sonic diary encapsulating the essence of 2022—a vibrant collage of both crafted and naturally occurring sounds. The unifying thread in this auditory journey is the embrace of magnetic tape, intertwining with the subtle hiss and breath of the human voice, providing a uniquely immersive experience.

On the 20th of October 2023 Hainbach and Ah! Kosmos released their first collaborative album “Blast of Sirens”. A darkly shimmering blend of ambient and dramatic structures, carved from the wild oscillations of vintage science equipment, faded Italian synths and tape processed noise. Held together by a sparse piano tones, the record explores a world in uproar, where moments of calm clash with choirs rising over storms of synthesized sounds.

Unveiled on December 2023, in collaboration with Look Mum No Computer “Rotopop” is the result of enthusiasts embark on a music-filled journey from London to Ramsgate, experimenting with vintage instruments at a unique museum. The discovery of an old drum machine and an extraordinary metal rotor leads to the creation of the playful Rotopops EP—a homage to electronic music from a whimsical future past.

Hainbach’s music has been featured in Pitchfork, The Wire, Bandcamp Daily, Bleep and Boomkat.